Michelle Smith

Jason and I were both born and raised on Long Island, where my family and our kids still live (hence the frequent trips back!)

After owning land and visiting for about 7 years, we made the permanent move to Montana in 2020. We live outside of York with our two horses, Finca and Rio, and our awesome Boxer, Jersey.

I started at FireTower Athletics in June 2022 at the urging of my husband, who joined about 6 months prior. He raved about how great he felt and what an amazing experience he was having, and I was seeing a transformation in him pretty early on. I was hesitant at first because I am not the most athletic person and, honestly, felt like I would be embarrassed (I couldn’t have been more wrong!). I don’t know that I can pinpoint just one thing that keeps me coming back. I really like the supportive nature of everyone at the gym. Never once have I felt ashamed or alone. There are so many levels of athletes and the programming allows you to essentially choose your own adventure, while still holding you accountable. Do you know how many times I went to my local run of the mill gym, only to stare at the equipment, not knowing where to begin, and ultimately leaving after a half-hearted attempt at exercising? At FireTower, I show up knowing there is a plan, and people to help me through that plan. There’s nothing better than the feeling you get after working your tail off for a solid 45 – 60 minutes. And I love that Jason and I sometimes attend the same classes. He’s my biggest supporter! He says you only get one shot at this life, and he’s right. I want to do whatever I can to stick around, for him and our family, for as long as possible.

My days can be all over the place. Technically, they start at 5:30am when Jersey is nudging me for breakfast. I’ll feed him and then try to catch a few more zzz’s before feeding the horses and starting my work day. I am the Vice President of Compliance for a data analytics company and am fortunate that I am able to work remote. Depending on my schedule, I aim to get to the 12:00 class, but will sometimes hit the 3:30. I had been averaging 3x/week but am hoping to get that number up. On off days, Jason and I try to get moving, whether it be hiking up on our property or working to put up fencing for a new paddock. Unless one of us has something going on (or much feels a lot more frequent these days), we try to have dinner by 7pm and then relax a bit before heading to bed.

We have recently changed up our routines (trying to eat just a little bit better, get that one extra class or workout in, be more cognizant about our bedtime, etc.) and I’m super excited to see how our journey progresses. One thing is for sure…FireTower will always be in the picture.

What is your next move?


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