Kallie Boschma


Kallie has always loved an active lifestyle. She started gymnastics at a young age and then transitioned to all the athletics offered during Jr. High and High School. During college she enjoyed running, exercise classes, rock climbing, and any adventure outside. After college her health declined when she was diagnosed with celiac disease and could no longer be active. After changing her diet and getting her health back she knew she needed to find a way to stay active and not take her body for granted. Six years ago when exercise videos just weren’t cutting it she walked into a Crossfit gym and has been hooked ever since. She loves how Crossfit can seriously be for ANYONE at any phase in life. After being diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic she saw even more so how being active plays into health. She is now committed to keeping herself healthy and trying to help others to do the same! She loves the outdoors and spending time with her family and wants to stay in great shape so she never has to miss an adventure!


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