Kristin Kerr

If you are reading this and haven’t joined CrossFit, just do it – stop waiting! I turned 48 this month and I’m in much better physical health than I was in my early 30’s.

I’m Kristin Kerr and I’m married to Tom Kerr.  We have three daughters, 23, 20, and 17 years old.  We have a fluffy daughter too, Poppy our 4-year-old Shih Tzu.  I was an Elementary School Teacher in St. Louis before we moved here in 2013.  Almost eight years ago, I obtained my Real Estate License and I’m a Broker at Big Sky Brokers.

About three years ago, two of my clients invited me to CrossFit. I told them that I had no interest in CrossFit, thank you very much. You see, the other CrossFit Gym I belonged to in my early thirties was what you think of as the “stereotypical CrossFit” with ex-Military coaches, barking in my ear to lift more and complete more reps.  I hate conflict so I obliged, and soon I was walking like an 80-year-old with stiff joints and in severe pain.  But my clients didn’t give up inviting me and after about 8 months, finding myself in a state of complete upper-body weakness (I couldn’t even help my husband lift a kayak on top of our car), and not wanting to become a frail little old lady like my grandmother, I decided to give Jay a call to learn more about FireTower CrossFit.

What stood out to me was that Jay encouraged me to give it a try and that the coaching staff was very accommodating to injury and wouldn’t push me beyond what I felt was my limit.  So, apprehensively, I joined CrossFit in Oct of 2020 with the goal of getting a kipping pull up again. It was definitely baby steps though as I could only lift the 15 lb bar over my head. But soon, I was seeing results and got that kipping pull up in 2021. The thing I love most about our FireTower CrossFit is that there is NO excuse for missing a class as there are generously seven classes a day, and Bootcamp M/W/F mornings and now even a Sunday afternoon Family class.  Generally I don’t look at the workout before I come because it creates some anxiety, but that nervousness of whether I’ll be able to finish the workout or not easily dissipates when I get there and see everyone else knowing we will all be suffering enjoying the workout together. Since I’m self-employed and Real Estate hours can vary, I make sure I book an appointment for myself into my work calendar at least three times a week.  I’ve noticed that if I don’t compromise and attend three classes per week, my mental health is much better.

A typical day for me is as follows: Wake up around 6:00-6:30, drink about 3 cups of ½ caffeinated coffee with Coconut Almond milk, read a devotion and the news, and get ready for the day. Around 9:00- 10:00 I eat a bowl of old-fashioned oats with fresh berries and almond slivers. Then I meet with clients or work on my computer until around Noon.  Depending on the day, I’ll either do the Noon or 3:30 class.  Between Noon and 1:30 I’ll have lunch which is either leftovers from dinner the night before or an avocado on a salad, hummus and veggies, apple with almond butter or maybe a few pieces of lunch meat rolled up.  I’ll take our dog for a walk early afternoon and finish appointments around 5:00 unless I need to show houses later in the evening!  Dinner is typically soup, or a salad, vegetable, a lean protein, and we do like our red wine so a glass or two with dinner.  I’m not a purist so like a couple squares of dark chocolate for dessert after dinner.

What I’ve learned most about my body and from CrossFit these past two years is this:

  • It’s MY workout and I’m not competing against anyone else but myself (a huge shift in thinking from the first time I did CrossFit).
  • I finally made my health a priority. I’ve cut out most processed foods and sugar from my diet and attending three classes per week is non-negotiable for me.
  • I need a little nudge from the coaches from time to time because I typically underestimate what I’m capable of.

Since I achieved my goal and got the kayak on the car this summer (all by myself), I have set new goals for myself: getting multiple kipping pull-ups (more than two) strung together and mastering more than 8 double-unders in a row.  Ok, and one day I’d really like to do a muscle up!

If you are reading this and haven’t joined CrossFit, just do it – stop waiting!  I turned 48 this month and I’m in much better physical health than I was in my early 30’s.  Even if you just show up and move, you’re doing more than if you did nothing at all and the functional movements at CrossFit make everyday living much more comfortable.  Find encouragement from others around you.  There are all different ages, sizes, and backgrounds represented at FireTower CrossFit and I have learned so much from the people I work out with and get my strength from knowing that we are all moving in the same direction, improving our heath, one workout at a time!