Lindsay Hand

I like the ability to show up and start at whatever level I’m at- and not feel like I am competing with anyone else. There’s no prerequisite of being a certain level of fit. And the coaches meet you where you’re at.

My name is Lindsay Hand, and I am 32 years old. I’m originally from Montana but spent a few years in Alabama (AKA- torture in the form of humidity.) My son, Ryder- and I came back to MT in July of 2020.  My full-time job is a Program Manager for the Department of Transportation. Shortly after coming back to MT, I started doing something that resembled baking (kind of). What started as endless failed attempts, eventually turned into a full-fledged cookie business that keeps me so incredible busy! My busiest (and favorite) job though- is shuttling my kiddo to and from all his extra-curriculars.  Our summers are filled with hiking, camping, boating, floating and other fun outdoor adventures and our winters are spent skiing.  Most of our spring /summer is spent at the baseball field, which has become like a second home for us.

I’ve followed CrossFit programs over the years but have never taken the plunge to join an actual gym. Ryder and I joined Firetower in November of 2022.  I initially joined to keep my son active during the cold months until baseball started (and so I didn’t have to work out in my frigid garage gym). This quickly turned from something we were both super nervous about- to something that we really, really enjoy.

More than anything I like the community. New things are intimidating- especially things you may not be good at. It has been so great to walk in and have people intentionally try to make you feel welcome- to make you feel like you are “part of the group.”

I like the ability to show up and start at whatever level I’m at- and not feel like I am competing with anyone else. There’s no prerequisite of being a certain level of fit. And the coaches meet you where you’re at. Although, in my experience- as they get to know you- and what they think you’re capable of- they WILL push you.

The feeling of lifting heavy things and doing hard things is empowering.  It makes stressful days easier and good days even better. Watching my son grow confidence has been an incredible benefit too.

My days are longggggg!

4:45 AM alarm ALWAYS come too early (I snooze this- EVERYDAY.) . I take this time to package up cookies to be delivered, make breakfast (usually egg whites, chicken sausage, and a piece of toast), drink a few large cups of coffee,  get the kiddo up, and then head to work at 7. Lunch is usually whatever I meal prepped on Sunday- probably some type of chicken most likely in taco form. After work I head home to get the kid and then to the 4:30 CrossFit class. 6-8:30 is dinner and hangout time. After Ryder goes to bed, I start working on cookies- depending on how many orders I have for the week, bedtime typically falls between 11-1.

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