Viome Health Journey Month 4

What a difference eating a bit more and drinking some water does for you. If you recall, I took a step back last month in my body fat loss and muscle as I slipped in protein intake and water.

Well, that one small adjustment, along with sticking to my veggie/fruit/protein schedule made the difference. I added back in my evening protein shake to take my Viome pre/probiotic packet and drank a bit more water and the results were great.

As we always preach at FireTower Athletics, the weight number on a scale is not important and is pretty evident in this case as well. My weight was 198.6 at last month’s scan, and I was 198.0 this month. Not much difference. However, the percent body fat went from 17.4% to 16.1%. A pretty significant drop within the month and is getting close to lowest body fat % I have had since we have had the InBody Scanner. Muscle mass up from 94lbs to 98lbs. Some of the muscle gain is just better hydration, but in the right direction unlike last month.

Whoop numbers made a big jump as well with small change I made. My HRV went from 41 to 46, which is a very large jump in the right direction, a 12% increase. My resting heart rate dropped as well from 50 to 49, a 2% change.

So, in all a very good month. June will be a bit more of a challenge, as 3 of the 4 weekends of the month I will be traveling, but as always will try to make best available choice with a bit of fun thrown in as well. June I will probably order up my retest as well to see if all the Viome test metrics have improved as advertised as I am getting close to the 6 month mark.

Let us know if we can help you in any way in your health journey!
